Thumbnail / Index <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="676" height="676" alt="" title="AQUADRAMA_FILM" /> SA RA SACHSAquadramaDen Frie, Ofelia Plads, Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="" title="New York_Black Sun Exhibit_New Museum_Mire Lee-LOW_SRGB_JPEG" /> MIRE LEEBlack SunNew Museum, New York <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="" title="KapwaniKiwanga_OffGrid_2" /> KAPWANI KIWANGAOff-GridNew Museum, New York <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="767" height="1024" alt="" title="Le grand atlas de la désorientation_Tatiana Trouvé_Centre Pompidou_Paris_Kvadrat_2022_Photo by Bertrand Prevost (3)-LOW_SRGB_JPEG" /> TATIANA TROUVÉLe grand atlas de la désorientationCentre Pompidou, Paris <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="676" alt="" title="Full of Days_KHC_006_Photo by David Stjernholm" /> GROUP SHOWFull of DaysKunsthal Charlottenborg, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1023" height="767" alt="" title="x2023.7049_12_P02-PowerPoint or email JPEG_1024 pixels long" /> MARIO AYALA, RAFA ESPARZA, GUADALUPE ROSALESSitting On ChromeSF MoMA, San Francisco <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="683" alt="" title="Kunsthal44Møen_BirkHorst2022_FotoThomasGunnarBagge-8937" /> BIRK HORSTHeadstones Undead EnginesKunsthal44Møen, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="819" height="1024" alt="" title="Courage Collection_Ursula Reuter Christiansen-Mads Nørgaard-Rasmus Koch_Photo Ocean Production_3" /> URSULA REUTER CHRISTIANSEN, RASMUS KOCH, MADS NØRGAARDFat ModNørgaard paa Strøget, Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="Kapwani Kiwanga_Terrarium_La Biennale di Venezia_Arsenale_Kvadrat_2022_Art Project_Photo by Roberto Marossi, courtesy La Biennale di Venezia (2)-LOW_SRGB_JPEG" /> KAPWANI KIWANGATerrariumVenice Biennale, Venice <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="742" height="928" alt="" title="Skærmbillede 2024-02-26 kl. 17.13.36" /> KÅRE FRANGLoving EyesKunsthal44Møen, DenmarkForma FantasmaVenice Biennale, Venice <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="610" alt="" title="Samara Sallam 44Møen-1849XX- FotoThomasGunnarBagge" /> SAMARA SALLAMQuaf RunddelKunsthal44Møen, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="683" alt="" title="Kunsthal44Møen_VivianCaccuri2022_FotoThomasGunnarBagge-8721" /> VIVIAN CACCURIMosquito RevengeKunsthal44Møen, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="677" alt="" title="53Janaina Tschäpe & Ursula Reuter Christiansen_Das Unheimliche_Foto: Den Frie Udstillingsbygning" /> URSULA REUTER CHRISTIANSEN & JANINA TSCHÄPEDas UnheimlichDen Frie, Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="777" alt="" title="Haegue Yang_Strange Attractors_Tate St. Ives_Kvadrat_2020_Photo by Matt Greenwood coutesy of Tate (5)-LOW_SRGB_JPEG" /> HAEGUE YANGStrange AttractorsTate St. Ives, England <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="682" height="1024" alt="" title="Natures Mortes_Anne Imhof_Palais de Tokyo_Paris_Kvadrat_2021_Photo by Andrea Rossetti (28)" /> ANNE IMHOFNatures MortesPalais de Tokyo, Paris <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="" title="Wu Tsang_New Work Wu Tsang Presents Moved by the Motion_2021_SFMOMA_photo Katherine Du Tiel_8" /> WU TSANGMoved By the MotionSF MoMA, San Francisco <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="Adam Lindner_Loyalty_Shahryar Nashat_Kampnagel_Hamburg_2021_Kvadrat (2)-1" /> SHAHRYAR NASHAT & ADAM LINDERLOYALTYKampnagel, Hamburg <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="962" height="689" alt="" title="Cally-Spooner-On-false-tears-and-outsourcing-1" /> Kvadrat Art ProjectsVarious venues <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="768" height="1024" alt="" title="0b7af3fc-4198-4024-b7c0-dbb8a8f4ba7b" /> TUE GREENFORTWeedsRochester Square Gardens, London <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="1024" alt="" title="Screenshot 2020-11-19 at 12.38.32" /> MARIE KØLBÆK IVERSENn-body crashKvadrat's homepage <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="969" height="604" alt="" title="rendering copy" /> HENRIK PLENGE JAKOBSENBo - og dagtilbud BybjergvejBallerup, DK <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="xIMG_8458" /> NINA BEIERJyderup KvindefængselJyderup, DK <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="416_CI_1705_003_BLOOM_Aerial" /> New North Zealand HospitalHillerød, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="683" alt="" title="LaureProuvost_Kunsthal44Moen_Juli2020_Foto_ThomasGunnarBagge--DSC_0345-WEB" /> GROUP SHOWFreedom is Outside the SkinKunsthal 44Møen, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="682" height="1024" alt="" title="Kapwani Kiwanga_Plot_Haus der Kunst_Munich_Kvadrat_2020_Photo by Jens Weber (1)" /> KAPWANI KIWANGAPlotHaus der Kunst, Münich <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="682" height="1024" alt="" title="Daiga Grantina_What Eats Around Itself_New Museum_Kvadrat_2020_Toan Vu-Huu (5)" /> DAIGA GRANTINAWhat Eats Around ItselfNew Museum, New York <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="576" alt="" title="" /> LIU SHIYUANLunar PhasesUllens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing (UCCA) <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="1024" alt="" title="Emilia Bergmark_Burnout_Møn44_001_Photo by David Stjernholm" /> VARIOUS ARTISTSProject Space 44Kunsthal 44Møen, DenmarkADELITA-HUSNI BEYChironNew Museum, New York <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="Pippilotti_R_270219_09" /> PIPILOTTI RISTOpen My GladeLouisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="The_house_Roman_Signer_0030" /> ROMAN SIGNERHouseKvadrat HQ, Ebeltoft, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="714" alt="" title="Anywhen_0006" /> PHILIPPE PARRENOAnywhenTate Modern, London <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="576" alt="" title="Karl Holmqvist for Kvadrat_04" /> KARL HOLMQVISTUntitled (WHAT? WHEN? WHY? WHO?)Kvadrat HQ, Ebeltoft, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="600" height="700" alt="" title="181101_KW_0247_HQ" /> TAMARA HENDERSONWomb Life KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="767" height="1024" alt="" title="VIEW 2" /> PIPILOTTI RISTPixel ForestNew Museum, New York <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="" title="petrit-halilaj-ru-new-museum-0917-0033-1100x825" /> PETRIT HALILAJRUNew Museum, New York <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="720" height="960" alt="" title="i-am-also-stepping-on-wet-sand_720" /> CARLA ZACCAGNINII am also stepping on wet sandSixtyEight Art Institute, Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="692" height="931" alt="" title="Cally-Spooner-On-false-tears-and-outsourcing-6" /> CALLY SPOONEROn false tears and outsourcingNew Museum, New York <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="Philippe-Parreno-Hangar-Bicocca-4" /> PHILIPPE PARRENOHypothesisHangar Bicocca, Milan <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="689" alt="" title="FOS-clutch6" /> FOSClutchKvadrat Showroom, Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="695" alt="" title="Flying-and-painting10-1100x747" /> ROMAN SIGNERFlying and paintingKvadrat HQ, Ebeltoft, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="677" height="900" alt="" title="Secret-Power-Simon-Denny-6" /> SIMON DENNYSecret PowerNew Zealand Pavilion, Venice Biennale <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="682" height="1024" alt="" title="KVADRAT_Fondazione_Prada_07-733x1100" /> GOSHKA MACUGATo the son of the man who ate the scrollFondazione Prada, Milan <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="_30B0486" /> GROUP SHOWAfgang (MFA Degree Show)The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="600" height="700" alt="" title="A1, 594 × 841" /> Nothing Like HomeSouth into North's webpage <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="688" alt="" title="Encounters-URSULA-NISTRUP-3-1100x740" /> URSULA NISTRUPEncountersKunsthal 44 Møen, Denmark <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="682" alt="" title="Lampedusa-Cruises" /> Lampedusa CruisesCopenhagen Harbour <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="693" alt="" title="La-Bruja-by-Cildo-Meireles2" /> CILDO MEIRELESLike a needle in a haystackKunsthal 44, Møen, DenmarkPomme de Terre Kulttuurisauna, Helsinki <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="768" height="1024" alt="" title="Lucky-Angst-Cat-1" /> HENRIK PLENGE JAKOBSENLucky Angst CatVarious public spaces, Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="600" height="900" alt="" title="Superflex-kunsthal-charlottenborg1" /> SUPERFLEXWorking Title: “A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX”Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="" title="IMG_2973" /> Chart 13 Collateral Program and Chart TalksKunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen <img class="vce-single-image" src="" width="1024" height="683" alt="" title="Chart-art-fair-2013_6" /> Chart Art Fair 13 Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen