Image courtesy Lukas Bukoven


Sa Ra Sachs

Den Frie & Ofelias plads,

Copenhagen 2023 

ABOUT THE PROJECT                                             

The film installation Aqua Drama by artist Sa Ra Sachs, is inspired by the grandiose theater tradition of the Baroque era, where elaborate naval battles were staged to exalt the economic prosperity of the powerful. Exploring water as a fluid symbol of authority in a world where all resources have dried up Aqua Drama unfolds as a total installation merging stage art, video and sculpture into a dystopian sci-fi scenario where water is a limited resource and imagination becomes the last refuge. At the heart of the show lies a video work filmed in the arid desert of Los Angeles, portraying a desiccated realm where peculiar characters engage in hallucinatory and imaginative narratives revolving around water and the yearning for it. Within the video, the encounter between this parched parallel universe and our own reality is mediated by a mermaid, the most clichéd of water creatures, drawing from both Hollywood conventions and the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Through camp aesthetics, The Little Mermaid, an iconic figure in Copenhagen, symbolizes a potential redemption through kitsch, desire, and the unavoidable future catastrophes, all set against a backdrop of pop music. In extension of the show, two performances reached out of the exhibition building into Copenhagen’s public space in June and August 2023. In collaboration with Ofelia Plads, Jeudan and Visit Copenhagen. The show was part of the program Toaster and curated by South into North.

South into North curated the project


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